One App - One Experience

Single, unified interface for multiple HR products. Be it attendance, payroll, surveys, meetings, emergen...


An app to Unify multiple employee facing applications

Checking into muliple applictaions takes time away from productive work - An HR Manager

Employees toggle between different apps and websites almost 1,200 times a day, at ~2 seconds each it adds up to 3.3 hours per week or about 8% of their total work time. - Harvard Business Review

People dont want to install to many apps on their devices - An IT Manager

Over 90% of us(people) get frustrated when a business requires an app download - Forbes (with Heady)

Administration of too many enterprise apps is a headache- An Assistant Manager

"Employees of large organizations may have 10 or more work-related apps, each with a different user interface and operating characteristics. Simply finding the desired app can be a chore, and switching apps can interrupt the user's workflow." - SHRM.ORG



Unified Approvals

A single, cohesive interface for approvals for enhancing efficiency and decision-making speed. Supports multiple backend approval workflows, with real-time notifications as per approval hierarchies.

Unified notifications (from all existing backend applications)

Consolidates business alerts and messages from all back-end applications, ensuring no important updates are missed. Real-time notifications with customizable settings to prioritize and filter alerts based on relevance and urgency.

Unified communications (Survey, Feedback forms, Announcements)

Allows real-time publishing of surveys, feedback forms, and company-wide announcements into one cohesive platform, enhancing organizational communication. Real-time analytics and response tracking provide valuable insights and ensure timely follow-up. Centralized dashboard simplifies managing communications, fostering a more engaged and informed workforce. Customisable Templates Included.

Unified requests (Leave, etc)

Centralizes the submission of leaves, muster, and expense requests etc. simplifying the process for employees and managers. A single place for submitting requests, tracking status, and receiving approvals in real-time.

Unified Document storage

All company related documents of an employee handy in a single, secure repository, streamlining access. It offers advanced capabilities like sharing, searching and tagging, making it easy to locate files quickly. This allows single click access to important documents like Salary Slips [FILL MORE] reducing the risk of document loss and duplication.

  • Unified Approvals

    A single, cohesive interface for approvals for enhancing efficiency and decision-making speed. Supports multiple backend approval workflows, with real-time notifications as per approval hierarchies.

  • Unified notifications (from all existing backend applications)

    Consolidates business alerts and messages from all back-end applications, ensuring no important updates are missed. Real-time notifications with customizable settings to prioritize and filter alerts based on relevance and urgency.

  • Unified communications (Survey, Feedback forms, Announcements)

    Allows real-time publishing of surveys, feedback forms, and company-wide announcements into one cohesive platform, enhancing organizational communication. Real-time analytics and response tracking provide valuable insights and ensure timely follow-up. Centralized dashboard simplifies managing communications, fostering a more engaged and informed workforce. Customisable Templates Included.

  • Unified requests (Leave, etc)

    Centralizes the submission of leaves, muster, and expense requests etc. simplifying the process for employees and managers. A single place for submitting requests, tracking status, and receiving approvals in real-time.

  • Unified Document storage

    All company related documents of an employee handy in a single, secure repository, streamlining access. It offers advanced capabilities like sharing, searching and tagging, making it easy to locate files quickly. This allows single click access to important documents like Salary Slips [FILL MORE] reducing the risk of document loss and duplication.

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